Mauro Bianchi (Belgium) is the director of TESEO, a consultancy
specialising in European Commission funding for research
and innovation. TESEO has a 14 year history of turning "ideas
into projects" and "projects into results", with over 40 research and technology development projects
having been coached by TESEO for European programmes
such as IST, Energy Environment and Sustainable Development,
Food Quality and Safety, E-Content, IT&C Asia,
EU-India Economic Cross Cultural Programme, MEDIA Plus,
and many more. Mr. Bianchi graduated in Political Science
at Università Cattolica of Milan, Italy and
holds an MSc in International Relations from ULB, Brussels.
He worked for two years at Price Waterhouse before
setting up TESEO and has been selected to act as project
evaluator or reviewer by the European Commission. Mr.
Bianchi was involved in several projects supporting
co-operation with SMEs and intermediaries such as National
Contact Points, Innovation Relay Centres, and sector