Armstrong Process Group, Inc.
Chris Armstrong, President of Armstrong
Process Group, Inc., is an internationally recognized thought leader
and expert in iterative software development, object-oriented
analysis and design, architecture, the Unified Modeling
Language, use case driven requirements, and process improvement.
Chris is the technical representative for APG at the
Object Management Group. |
Assessing Architectural Viability
with the Architecture Trade-off Analysis Method
Software development teams often struggle explaining the
value of software architecture to their business stakeholders.
Invariably this leads to an excruciating technical description
of the architecture that only confirms to the business people
that they should not care about the architecture. However,
in reality, the only reason for investing in architecture
is based on delivering continual business value to the organization.
Many teams would be better served by applying an objective
technique for assessing how well a particular architecture
serves real business needs. The speaker will describe the
Software Engineering Institute’s (SEI) Architecture
Trade-off Analysis Method (ATAM) to objectively measure fitness
of an architecture and how use cases and non-functional requirements
are the key to objective evaluation. The speaker will also
discuss real-world application of the ATAM through examination
of a case study and discuss the ATAM's relationship to the
OMG's Model-Driven Architecture (MDA) initiative.
to program