Jose Maria Corsino Escobar - Software Development Manager, Kynetia Networks S.L., Spain |
Jose M Corsino holds the position of Software Development Manager with Kynetia for last 4 years. Having graduated from Universidad Autonoma de Madrid in Software Engineering, Jose has been in the IT industry for last 9 years. Jose has successfully designed, architected several projects covering a very vast variety of technologies including Java, .NET, Mobile Computing, SOA, Web 2.0 and Enterprise 2.0. He may be reached at jose.corsino@kynetia.com.
CASE STUDY: Challenges in Upscaling a Local Application to a Global Platform Managing risk exposures plays a vital role in an organization’s growth and stability. Many large risk and insurance service firms provide services to organizations in managing their risks. They typically provide risk management, risk consulting, insurance broking, and insurance program management services and so on. We at Kynetia three years ago developed an application for one such large insurance broking and risk consulting firm. The application was deployed locally and was made available country-wide. The quick success of the application resulted in client requesting to bring the application on a global platform. This raised many challenges in integrating existing several local applications and huge databases running on diversified platforms. The new global application also demanded much higher scalability, availability and robustness. The solution is achieved by re-architecting the application using the latest SOA techniques. This paper describes how we achieved this seemingly difficult task successfully.
to program