Chris Greenslade entered the data processing profession
in 1964 and worked as a consultant, system designer and project
manager on a variety of projects while living and working
in the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland and the UK. He specialized
in the design and development of generalized communication
networks and in the study of corporate strategies for integrated
communications. In 1983, with the formation of his own company
he expanded his range to include training services.
His association with The Open Group began in 1991 as a
consultant to OSF. That association continued as EMEA Manager
of The Open Group's Professional
Services Department. He was responsible for support services
based on DCE and for the introduction of services based on
The Open Group's Architecture Framework (TOGAF). Since then
he has been managing his own independent consultancy and
training operations specializing in TOGAF.
After four years of Chairing the Architecture Forum, Chris
now represents the Supplier Council on The Open Group's Governing