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Meeting Report

Security Forum:
Tutorial on Design Patterns

Cannes, France - Tuesday, October 15 2002

Objective of Meeting

This tutorial ws given by Bob Blakley (Chief Scientist, Security and Privacy, IBM Tivoli Software). The tutorial was open ot all attendees to the Cannes meeting. Its objective was to explain what design patterns are about and how to use them to design and validate an information security system matched to a given set of requirements.

This tutorial was specifically valuable as preparation for attendees to the Security Design Patterns Workshop on the Wednesday afternoon of the Cannes meeting.


The tutorial was attended by 18 people.

Bob Blakley's slide presentation refers.

Bob first explained the history behind why the Security Forum decided to develop Design Patterns for doing security design. There is a long history of Open Group security specifications, providing structural guidelines and defining interface definitions in C language. This approach is no longer addressing the real needs of security system designers, because most systems already exist, the C language is decreasingly relevant as the useful way to express interface definitions, and in modern software design the designers need instructional guidance that is language independent, not prescriptive definitions written in C. Design patterns are language independent, and adaptable and scalable to all design problems.

The audience for design patterns is a system designer or architect who has a specific security problem in a specifc context, who would like to know how the Open Group’s security experts would approach his (or her) problem but who doesn’t want to come to our meetings or pay our consulting rates.

Design patterns originated in buildings architecture as created by architect Christopher Alexander, who realized that in buildings design there are certain well-defined componments that occur repeatedly and which can be represented in design terms in the same way. He defined them as design patterns, and re-used them each time they recurred. This technique maintained accuracy and consistency in design for the common components in his buildings designs and allowed him more time to devote to the more creative one-off components in his designs. Thjis approach was adopted by software designers, andbecame established when the "Gang-of-Four" published their now seminal book on software design patterns. Since no-one has yet put together a catalog of design patterns specifically for software designers of security systems, the Open Group's Security Forum decided to fill this gap.

A good definition for what a design pattern is has challenged many people, but the generally accepted definition is a namednugget of instructive information that captures the essential structure and insight of a successful family of proven solutions to a recurring problem that arises within a certain context and system of forces.

Minimally, a pattern must include the following:

  • Pattern name: A memorable and descriptive way to refer to the pattern.
  • The problem: A description of the contexts and situations in which the pattern is useful.
  • The solution: A specific but flexible approach to solving the problem.
  • Consequences: Implementing the solution described in the pattern will require making specific tradeoffs among competing forces. These tradeoffs and their consequences are described.

The process to define a design pattern involves stepwise refinement starting with a high-level solution and refining it until you have the level of detail you require to build the system. You build generative sequences of operations, allowing no backtracking , making well-identified choices at each step, and choosing which patterns to apply at each step. 

Bob then introduced our security patterns catalog:

  • Protected System Catalog
    Contains structural design patterns which facilitate construction of systems which protect valuable resources against unauthorized disclosure or modification.
  • Available System Catalog
    Contains structural design patterns which facilitate construction of systems which provide predictable uninterrupted access to the services and resources they offer to users.

The Available System patterns include:

  • Recoverable Component
  • Checkpointed System
  • Cold Standby
  • Comparator-Checked Fault-Tolerant System
  • Journalled Component
  • Hot Standby
  • External Storage
  • Replicated System
  • Error Detection/Correction

and the Protected System patterns include:

  • Protected System
  • Policy Enforcement Point
  • Subject Descriptor
  • Secure Communication
  • Security Context
  • Secure Association
  • Policy
  • Proxy Patterns
  • Trusted Proxy
  • Authenticating Impersonator
  • Identity-Asserting Impersonator
  • Delegate
  • Aiuthorizing Proxy
  • Login Tunnel

Bob then explained the generative sequence for how to design a protected system (see the presentation slides):

  • identify resources and actors
  • define the (one or more) protected system instances
  • for each Protected System, define policy (in the example for securing email, anyone may write but only the recipient may read)
  • for each Policy, define the secure communications (between the guard and the recipient of the email) derive target descriptor requirements from the Ploicy - so need the name of the recipient
  • derive what Security Context you want from the Policy, at each end of the Secure Communication
  • derive Secure Associations and Subject Descriptors for each Security Context
  • examine each Security Context to determine whether it needs to be factored into a Protected System with multiple Security Contexts.

He then applied this generatiuve sequence (see slides) to an example problem of how to define a system for securing email.

The system illustrated is in fact "hushmail". Bob then explained how this poses a problem, and what the solution to it is, and how it would appear on the example sequence of design diagrams. The approach to the problem is to considering factoring protected systems. You then end up with a system that is in fact like what Lotus Notes uses. This is the traditional (Orange Book) approach to secure email design.

Mobile computing environments pose particularly interesting scenarios in the context of the example that Bob used, and he suggested those interested might address this issue in a separate design exercise. 


The objective of this tutorial was achieved - to explain what design patterns are about and how to use them to design and validate an information security system matched to a given set of requirements.

In his closing summary, Bob Blakley reminded everyone that the idea behind design patterns is to introduce a common discipline that is language independent and flexible within its defined constraints. It is highly scalable but always needs care to ensure you apply it correctly. The point of this approach is not to try to instantly change people into design experts, but to help qualified designers to do their work better.

Next Steps

Bob Blakley invited attendees to consider the problem that the Security Forum would address in a Design Patterns Workshop on the Wednesday afternoon of the Cannes meeting - to apply our existing set of security design patterns to a Digital Rights Management test scenario to verify that our existing set of patterns are sufficient to solve the problem.

More generally, Bob noted that mobile computing environments pose particularly interesting scenarios in the context of the secuer email example that he used in this tutorial, and he suggested those interested might address this issue in a separate design exercise.


Slide presentation for tutorial on design patterns.

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