Objective of Meeting
Next Steps
Sponsoring Forum
Meeting Report:
Messaging Forum Strategy & Planning
Objective of Meeting
The objective of the meeting, which was restricted to members of the Messaging Forum
was to review the output from the various seminars and workshops held during the week and
to formulate a forward work plan for the Forum.
Session leaders reported on the sessions held earlier in the week and Forum Members
discussed the outputs and agreed next steps.
- Unified Messaging - Mike Lambert
- Coping with Spam - Dale Johnson
- Instant Messaging - Dale Johnson
- Secure Messaging - Ben Littauer
The outputs were plans for the following activities and associated actions:
- Managers Guide to Coping with Spam, Company Review
- Business Needs for Unified Messaging, next draft
- Secure Messaging Gateway Certification
- Architecture for Secure Messaging
- Forum meeting in Washington DC
- Proposal for Messaging as a Conference Plenary Theme in 2004
Next Steps
- Secure Messaging Certification - working meeting (early September 2003)
- Forum Meeting - Washington DC (October 2003)