Presentations were given on:
- The objectives of the challenge and what has been achieved so far
- Possible Challenge Directions
- The Secure Mobile Architecture developed by the MMF
The first of these presentations had previously been given externally, at the Catalyst
conference. Feedback from that conference was reviewed.
Work on the Challenge has identified two different sets of issues:
- Authorization, access control, accounting, and identity management
- Seamless session handover
Seamless session handover is addressed by the Secure Mobile Architecture. It would be
premature for the Challenge to tackle it before that architecture is established and
products are appearing.
The Challenge should therefore focus on Authorization, Access Control, Accounting, and
Identity Management. But to do this, it needs a wider range of participants.
The team will draw up a prospectus of a Challenge focussed on Authorization, Access
Control, Accounting, and Identity Management. It will aim to launch this activity, with
wider participation, at the October conference.