Technical Work Program
The main Directory event at the Conference was the launch of LDAP Certified on
Tuesday 22nd, with thirteen certified products from four vendors.
Having successfully launched LDAP Certified, the DIF members considered the
launch of the complementary LDAP Ready program for directory-enabled applications.
The DIF agreed to:
- Launch LDAP Ready during The Open Group Conference in October
- Hold a Plugfest to enable applications to test in advance of LDAP Ready
certification at a US West Coast location about two weeks before the October Conference
- Introduce a higher level of LDAP Certified (STANDARD, as opposed to BASE level)
before the Plugfest
The DIF also agreed a roadmap for further development of directory certification beyond
the LDAP Ready launch.
Marketing Program
The meeting reviewed and approved in principle a Strategic Marketing Plan for the DIF
and Directory Certification.