The Enterprise Management Forum will meet in Amsterdam on
Wednesday and Thursday, October 24 & 25.
The meeting will be divided into two main themes - future strategy and
ongoing work. On the future strategy front, the group will be starting the
process of identifying future activities that will be specifically focused on
both identifying and satisfying the needs of the end-user community in such a
way that we can attract new members.
As far as ongoing work is concerned, there will be progress reviews of our
ongoing projects. We will be starting the process of creating the Technical
Standards arising from the Pegasus project, and we will also have a presentation
from the IBM Linux Technology Centre on their SBLIM project and NPI interface
which is aimed to produce a standard instrumentation interface for Linux which
will interwork with WBEM manageability infrastructure such as Pegasus.
In addition there will be some joint sessions with the QoS Task Force,
focussing on areas of common interest to the two groups.
11:00 - 12:30 Review of Current Project Status
- Review of the Forums current projects - Pegasus,
- Review of other industry activities
2:00 3:30 The SBLIM Project and NPI - Viktor
Mihajlovski, IBM
Linux Technology Centre
- SBLIM (pronounced "sublime"), is the Standards Based Linux Instrumentation
for Manageability project. SBLIM is an IBM Open Source project, intended to
enhance the manageability of GNU/Linux systems. It does so by enabling
GNU/Linux for WBEM. All of the SBLIM providers are written to the Native
Provider Interface (NPI) for simple, CIMOM-neutral provider programming.
A focus for discussion following the presentation will be the degree to which
NPI could contribute to the creation for a standard C interface for WBEM as
part of the Pegasus project. Pegasus will support NPI and the
development of the interface module is well advanced.
4:00 5:30 Pegasus Project Update
- This session will focus on the current state of the Pegasus open source
development and also cover the recent migration of the SNIA CIMOM open source
project into The Open Group.
9:OO 10:30 Business Scenario Workshop - Joint Session
with QoS Task Force - Workshop for Gathering QoS and Resource Management
Requirements from Large Customer Organizations
- The Open Group will present the QoS business scenario
it has been working on and will use this as a means for capturing additional
business process and customer requirements that pertain to a large customer
operational scenario. The scenario looks at both quality of service and
resource management requirements and we will use this session to broaden our
customer input.
11:00 12:30 Manageability Services Broker Technical Standards
- This will be a working session focused on starting the development of the
Technical Standards for the interfaces developed as part of the Pegasus open
source project.
2:00 3:30 Joint Session with QoS Task Force - CIM and
- Presentation on Common Information Model (CIM) - Karl Schopmeyer, Chair
With the advent of CIM and WBEM, developed within the DMTF, the industry was
presented with the potential for creating a manageability infrastructure rich
enough to support the wide variety of resources present in modern IT systems.
Karl Schopmeyer will explain the Common Information Model.
4:00 5:30 EMF User Requirements Strategy Session
This session will be focusing on those areas where
the end-user community have unfulfilled requirements. This is intended to be
the start of a process, with the principal output being the creation of a
value proposition and a process that can be presented at the January meeting,
with an intended audience of the wider end-user community.