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Secure Architectures
The Open Group's Enterprise Architecture Practitioners Conference in Budapest will open with a plenary day focusing upon how different aspects of Security Architecture all contribute vital roles in delivering safe and secure enterprise architectures. We need these architectures to deliver effective information security infrastructures that will match continually increasing business demands for secure IT operations in our open, Internet-driven, globally networked world.
Plenary Session
The Monday plenary will be followed by parallel tracks on the Tuesday and Wednesday. The tracks will cover key security challenges, illustrated with case studies.
Plenary topics include:
- the business case for why we need to evolve our security architectures to meet the challenges for secure information sharing that tomorrow's agile computing business operations will demand, and new approaches to creating architectures for secure computing
- assessments of the concepts of security boundaries and attack surfaces of IT systems, how these impact approaches to architecting security in challenged networks, and where these trends are taking us.
- the potential benefits and future networking paradigms that can be realized with IPv6 architectures, and also the new security risks that these architectures can bring, and how these new risks can be mitigated without following currently deployed IPv4-based security architectures
- moving from reactive Information Security, to integrated Information Quality which embraces Governance, Architecture, Compliance, Risk, Security, and Process, these being the core components for enabling and protecting the value of Information; the business drivers for this trend, how it is evolving, and how we should respond
- the role of the Security Architect and information technologists in creating enterprise architectures within a governance team that also includes business policy makers, corporate legal, corporate policy, risk management, auditors, and business management stakeholders - to balance competing demands in ways which achieve the overall business goals
- the impact of "ceremony" flaws in otherwise secure protocols, how these become magnified when cooperating between business partners and customers, and how they impact identity, authentication and authorization. For highlights on sessions and tracks, click on Program.
The Royal Palace - Source: Tourism Office of Budapest

About the Open Group:
The Open Group is a vendor-neutral and technology-neutral consortium, whose vision of Boundaryless Information Flow™ will enable access to integrated information, within and among enterprises, based on open standards and global interoperability.